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The Economist June 11th 2022 Britain


repeal v. 废除,废止,撤销(法律)

同义词:abolish, reverse, revoke, annul


The rebels are determined to organize another confidence vote—in theory banned by the rules for another year, yet feasible if these are simply changed by the 1922 Committee of backbench MPS. The party’s conference in October will be a moment of danger. But Mr Johnson can also seek to renew his own legitimacy. In March his government repealed the Fixed-term Parliaments Act, restoring the power of the prime minister to call elections before the scheduled end of his term. If Mr Johnson wants to test the popular will in which his supporters place so much faith, he can.

反叛者决心再组织一次信任投票——理论上被规则再禁止一年,但如果这些规则只是由1922年后座议员委员会改变,则是可行的。该党10月份的会议将是一个危险的时刻。但约翰逊也可以寻求更新自己的合法性。今年3月,约翰逊政府废除了《固定任期议会法案》(Fixed-term Parliaments Act),恢复了首相在预定任期结束前召集选举的权力。如果约翰逊想测试他的支持者非常信任的民意,他可以这么做。
